Mrs. Kim Cato Tessereau

Kim Cato Tessareau <

With over 20+ years in the SQL Server arena. Kim was involved with SQL Server since version 6.5. She has worked as a consultant at many companies in St. Louis area and abroad and as a permenant employee at some clients as well. She taught on occassion at St. Louis University on the Microsoft SQL Server stack to students at the Work Force Center in the Wool Center at SLU. She was a part of the group that coordinates the St. Louis SQL Saturday Seminar, which is a free event at SLU once a year. She has presented at many SQL Saturday’s across the midwest and has even presented at PASS at couple of times. She was an advid dog lover and she loved anything to do with technology!

Thoughts and Memories from Friends

Contributions to the SQL Community

Kim Cato Tessereau @SQLology

Kim Tessereau blog