Leila Etaati (20 Sep 1982 - 31 Dec 2023)

Obituary post from Reza Rad, her husband: Leila

Leila Etaati

Thoughts and Memories from Friends

Steve Jones: We worked in different areas, but I met Leila a few times at difference conferences around the world. Her bubbly, happy attitude was infectious and always a joy to be around. When I made a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 2019, I happened to meet her husband, Reza Rad, and we sat together at dinner, chatting away for a few hours. It was an enjoyable evening for me, and one I assumed would be repeated sometime in the next year or two.

The pandemic hit in 2020 and I have not traveled to Australia or New Zealand since. Leila conctracted cancer, and I was sure that she would be cured and I’d ge the chance to see those her and Reza again. Recently they were on my mind and I reached out, offering my best wishes. I was saddened to hear that Leila had passed away, and I will miss her.

Contributions to the SQL Community

Leila at LinkedIn



Books Leila co-authored: